I think many people will find your nightly routine relatable. I have two thoughts on it all that you can take or leave :)
1. I've found on nights when I don't watch TV and instead, read a book, stretch, or write, I don't have the same kind of sugar cravings.
2. I would encourage you to allow yourself a handful of something sweet throughout the day. Sometimes, we gorge on sugar at night because we look forward to it all day and don't allow ourselves anything sweet until that point. This is obviously scary at first if you are worried you won't be able to stop...but with practice, I think you'll find you are able to have a handful of Swedish fish when you are craving them and not go overboard. Sometimes when I allow myself a dessert after lunch, I don't crave it as much after dinner. And if I do, I tend not to overdo it.
I'm a big ice cream fan and used to not be able to have it in the house without eating it all. This was mainly because I hadn't yet proven to my body the ice cream wasn't going anywhere and would be available whenever I wanted it. Now, I can take a couple of bites and put it back in the freezer to save for another night.
Of course, there are times when the vibe of the night is just to eat a bunch of crap and watch TV. That's okay too. I just wanted to share with you my experience to give the reminder that it doesn't always have to be all-or-nothing. It seems like you have a good approach moving forward, so again, take or leave my thoughts. :)